Word Picture - Get To The Core

Posted by Michelle Gillett on

After making walking sticks (staves) for adults and youth involved in the Boy Scouts of America program for 15 years, it was time to repurpose our sticks. We used the word picture below to share with others whether in the scouting program, Bible studies, coaching sport teams and co-workers.  Our word picture for making pens is the same as making walking sticks.

Every pen has a core - known as the heart of the pen.  As you strip, pull and sand down the bark, the heart of the pen begins to reveal itself.  Once the pen is sanded down smooth, the sawdust wiped away, only then is the new finish ready to be put on.  CA Glue will seal and nourish the pen.  More importantly, CA Gule pulls out the beauty of the wood grain in every pen.  It is like the pen comes alive with a whole new beauty and purpose. 

We are God’s pen.  Christ is stripping, pulling and sanding down our outer bark to reveal our heart.  Once He finishes pulling, stripping and sanding, He brushes off the sindust and is ready to put on the new finish.  He adds His CA Glue – His shed blood – to purify, nourish and bring out the beauty that He intended.  Our life has come alive with a whole new radiance and meaning as the Holy Spirit dwells within us.

Every heart, whether wood or human, must be sealed and nourished to preserve the beauty.  The wooden pen needs the CA Glue.  We, God’s children, need Jesus Christ to cleanse us with His blood that will forever seal our hearts as the Holy Spirit gives us a new beauty and purpose. 

Phil 2:13  “for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose”.

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